Saturday Coffee and Encouragement

A main focus of the mission of Brooke’s Butterfly Touch: Creative Storytelling Services is to help people become comfortable sharing their experiences with others in a positive and encouraging light. In November of last year, I started a new ministry event called, “Saturday Coffee and Encouragement” to facilitate this in a more casual setting than a structured workshop. It was meant to be a kind of chat group where anyone who wanted to could join me for Starbucks and get advice for sharing their stories, ask any disability-related questions, and/or just be encouraged in their own struggles.

It only happened twice before I lost my assistant and COVID-19 set in. I do hope to start it up again soon, but as I know it’s not quite safe to gather in groups yet, I feel God tugging on my heart to try to offer a little more hope online. So, here’s my new idea:

Send me your questions (in the form below) and I will pick four or five each week to answer in a video posted every Saturday. 

I’ll start working on the videos each Wednesday because it will take me a little time to program everything into my communication app and record the video. If you know anything about me, you know that living with cerebral palsy has brought me a lot of pain and hardships, along with great joy and a profound desire to encourage others.

In that way, I’m an open book and will tell you anything you’re curious about (As long as it’s not inappropriate!).

So grab your Saturday coffee and let’s chat! Also, don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to the YouTube channel, as well as this blog, so you don’t miss the answers to your questions! Love blessings to you all until next Saturday!